How to write a TERRIBLE investor presentation 
Why you need to understand Investor herd dynamics?

Why you need to understand Investor herd dynamics?

Most founders don't succeed in fundraising because they don't understand the investor herd dynamics. Investors are social animals; they feel more comfortable being part of a group than being the lone wolf.

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What I learned about entrepreneurship from selling guavas in my barrio in Santo Domingo

What I learned about entrepreneurship from selling guavas in my barrio in Santo Domingo

My first entrepreneurial calling involved street-vending the extra guavas that grew from two trees in our backyard. I’d set up a stand in front of our house along a moderately busy road with mostly motorbike taxis (motoconchos) and other traffic.

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5 surprising things I've learned from 5 billionaires

5 surprising things I've learned from 5 billionaires

There are 2000 billionaires in the world. I've had the great opportunity of working with 5, whom I met when each of them invested in my last startup.

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Losing my virginity by Richard Branson

Losing my virginity by Richard Branson

Founder lessons I learned from losing my virginity…

No, not that virginity; “Losing My Virginity” was an autobiography by Richard Branson. He wrote this book, his very first one, at 42. My age now.

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99% of startup advice on the internet will kill your startup, here’s why

99% of startup advice on the internet will kill your startup, here’s why

1 - Most startup advice is written by spectators (i.e., academics, journalists, even VCs) of the startup sport, rather than the athletes (founders) of that sport,

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High Output Management by Andrew Grove

High Output Management by Andrew Grove

I stole this book on management, and I'm not giving it back…

Well, I didn't really ‘steal it’. I borrowed it from a colleague at my last company; he left, and I forgot to give it back.

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