Investor presentations are a crucial aspect of securing funding for your business. However, if you want to sabotage your chances of success and ensure that investors run in the opposite direction, follow these tips on how to write a terrible investor presentation.

✅Tip 1: Use Complicated Jargon

Nothing says "I'm not sure what I'm talking about" like using complicated jargon that no one understands. Make sure to use as much technical terminology as possible, even if it doesn't make sense in the context of your presentation. This will confuse investors and make them doubt your credibility.

✅Tip 2: Don't Explain Your Business Model

Investors love to know how they will make money from their investments. To ensure that your investor presentation is terrible, avoid explaining your business model altogether. Leave them guessing about how your company plans to make money and how they will see a return on their investment.

✅Tip 3: Overestimate Your Market Size

Exaggerating the size of your market is a surefire way to make investors skeptical of your business. Make sure you use a top-down approach: “The market is HUGE and we only need 1% of the market”. This will show investors that you don't have a realistic understanding of your industry and the challenges you face.

✅Tip 4: Don't Include Founder/market fit

Investors want to see why you can solve this problem better than 99% of other founders. So make sure you include nothing about how your personal and professional experiences led you to identify a key insight into this problem

✅Tip 5: Ignore competition

Don't let a competition slide. Ignore how your customers are actually solving the problem today. Assume you have no real competitors, and once your product launches, customers will naturally gravitate toward you.


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