How to write a TERRIBLE investor presentation 
5 hard truths about why we Hispanics don't advance in tech entrepreneurship
Why fundraising is a counterintuitive mindf*ck…
Why you need to understand Investor herd dynamics?

Why you need to understand Investor herd dynamics?

Most founders don't succeed in fundraising because they don't understand the investor herd dynamics. Investors are social animals; they feel more comfortable being part of a group than being the lone wolf.

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99% of startup advice on the internet will kill your startup, here’s why

99% of startup advice on the internet will kill your startup, here’s why

1 - Most startup advice is written by spectators (i.e., academics, journalists, even VCs) of the startup sport, rather than the athletes (founders) of that sport,

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The best-misguided advice I ever got from Jack Dorsey

The best-misguided advice I ever got from Jack Dorsey

In the fall of 2013, I was a freshly minted YC alum. Having been the first Hispanic to ever complete Silicon Valley’s top accelerator, I felt equal parts pride and impostor syndrome. I talked about this to one of my investors, he kindly suggested chatting with a ‘friend CEO’, who also felt like an imposter at the beginning of his career. Who was that CEO? None other than Jack Doresy.

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The best people to solve the diversity crisis in tech

The best people to solve the diversity crisis in tech

In the fall of 2013, I was a freshly minted YC alum. Having been the first Hispanic to ever complete Silicon Valley’s top accelerator, I felt equal parts pride and impostor syndrome.

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Diversity is all about economic impact, not social impact

Diversity is all about economic impact, not social impact

Shifting the Discourse: From Social Impact to Economic Influence

It's high time we reframe the dialogue around investing in underrepresented founders, transitioning from focusing solely on its social impact to highlighting its exceptional economic potential.

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Why Hispanics Remain Underfunded: It's Time to Look in the Mirror

Why Hispanics Remain Underfunded: It's Time to Look in the Mirror

In a recent report, Crunchbase found that early-stage funding—arguably the most critical for startups—in US-based Latinx founders decreased from a mere 1.5% in 2020 to an even lower 1.2% in 2021. This is in stark contrast to the investment in Latin American startups, which rose 320% in 2021.

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