You’re setting goals the wrong way. Try this instead

You’re setting goals the wrong way. Try this instead

🤓 Set goals that are S.M.A.R.T (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-Bound)

✅Break it down - Figure out a single goal for one year. Then figure out what's ONE thing you have to do this month, so that getting to that 1-year goal is way easier.

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Diversity is all about economic impact, not social impact

Diversity is all about economic impact, not social impact

Shifting the Discourse: From Social Impact to Economic Influence

It's high time we reframe the dialogue around investing in underrepresented founders, transitioning from focusing solely on its social impact to highlighting its exceptional economic potential.

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Closing the Equity Gap by Mitch Kapor

Closing the Equity Gap by Mitch Kapor

I had a chance to read “Closing the Gap”, by someone I've always considered a mentor, Mitch Kapor. As a former entrepreneur, I've always been passionate about bridging the equity gap in our society.

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