Without a doubt bu Surbhi Sarna

Without a doubt bu Surbhi Sarna

I had a chance to read the book "Without a Doubt," by my YC colleague Surbhi Sarna, and I was really blown away by the depth, vulnerability and authenticity in the book.

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Why you need to burn bridges

Why you need to burn bridges

May 2005, years before my dreams of entrepreneurship took off, I put in my notice at JFK airport. Two weeks later, I packed up my tools and walked out of the cockpit for the last time—after all this time, I was ready to officially break into Wall Street.

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You should treat fundraising like a sport

You should treat fundraising like a sport

During my tenure at our previous startup, we engaged with a whopping 144 investors prior to securing our series A funding. While I initially believed our journey was unique, I've since discovered that our experience aligns more closely with the norm.

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YC Demo Day

YC Demo Day

The approaching YC Demo Day carries a sense of excitement and anticipation. Reflecting on August 2013, when I was fortunate to partake in this enchanting event for the first time, the bonds of camaraderie forged with fellow batch mates remain etched in my memory.

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How to layoff people, the right way

How to layoff people, the right way

Dealing with employee layoffs is a challenging task, especially within startups where teams often form close-knit communities. This was a hurdle I faced in my previous startup journey.

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Always Dreaming Bigger with Elias Torres

Always Dreaming Bigger with Elias Torres

In this guest post, Elias Torres—serial entrepreneur, community activist, and CTO and co-founder of Drift—shares one of the most important lessons he’s learned since immigrating to the United States: Be a curious learning machine.

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Why I'm Joining Y-Combinator as a Visiting Partner

Why I'm Joining Y-Combinator as a Visiting Partner

Growing, building, and selling a startup can be a tumultuous, traumatic odyssey. If you can help another fellow founder get through that journey, it’s worth it. Helping others brings a feeling of gratification that is very hard to match, which is why I’m joining Y-Combinator as a Visiting Partner!

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Why Startup Founders Struggle with Mental Health

Why Startup Founders Struggle with Mental Health

Being a startup founder is incredibly stressful. In fact, according to a study by Michael Freeman, entrepreneurs are 50% more likely to report having a mental health condition than people with traditional careers, and twice as likely to suffer from depression.

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Why Hispanics Remain Underfunded: It's Time to Look in the Mirror

Why Hispanics Remain Underfunded: It's Time to Look in the Mirror

In a recent report, Crunchbase found that early-stage funding—arguably the most critical for startups—in US-based Latinx founders decreased from a mere 1.5% in 2020 to an even lower 1.2% in 2021. This is in stark contrast to the investment in Latin American startups, which rose 320% in 2021.

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How to Build Your First Deck
Why Your Early Stage Startup Needs to Talk to Customers—Before It’s Too Late