The best-misguided advice I ever got from Jack Dorsey

The best-misguided advice I ever got from Jack Dorsey

In the fall of 2013, I was a freshly minted YC alum. Having been the first Hispanic to ever complete Silicon Valley’s top accelerator, I felt equal parts pride and impostor syndrome. I talked about this to one of my investors, he kindly suggested chatting with a ‘friend CEO’, who also felt like an imposter at the beginning of his career. Who was that CEO? None other than Jack Doresy.

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Without a doubt bu Surbhi Sarna

Without a doubt bu Surbhi Sarna

I had a chance to read the book "Without a Doubt," by my YC colleague Surbhi Sarna, and I was really blown away by the depth, vulnerability and authenticity in the book.

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Why you need to burn bridges

Why you need to burn bridges

May 2005, years before my dreams of entrepreneurship took off, I put in my notice at JFK airport. Two weeks later, I packed up my tools and walked out of the cockpit for the last time—after all this time, I was ready to officially break into Wall Street.

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How to Build Your First Deck
Why Your Early Stage Startup Needs to Talk to Customers—Before It’s Too Late